Statement of Conduct for Working with Youth

Rotary International is committed to creating and maintaining the safest possible environment for all participants in Rotary activities. It is the duty of all Rotarians, Rotarians’ spouses, partners, and other volunteers to safeguard to the best of their ability the welfare of, and to prevent the physical sexual, or emotional abuse of, children and young people with whom they come into contact.

Rotary provides comprehensive resources for clubs and districts that participate in youth programs so they can confidently implement our youth protection policies and act to prevent abuse and harassment:
Rotary Youth Protection Guide
Electronic and Online Safety Considerations
Developing a Crisis Management Plan
Rotary Code of Policies, section 2.120.

District 5320 Requires Background Checks

Every Volunteer who works with Minors in California is required by law to (1) take training in protecting Minors from abuse and neglect and (2) have a Live Scan (fingerprint) background check. In addition, the District requires a Volunteer to submit a Volunteer Application. When you have accomplished all three of these requirements, the District will notify you either (i) that you are Youth Certified (“YC”) and are able to work with Minors in Rotary Youth Programs or (ii) that you are not YC and how you can challenge the District’s decision.

These requirements to become YC are effective immediately. Current YC designations obtained without completing all 3 Steps below, will continue to be effective until March 1, 2023, at which time all current Volunteers will need to recertify by complying in full with these requirements.

Instructions for all Volunteers to Become YC (Youth Certified)

Every Volunteer must complete all 3 steps below to become YC.  The steps may be completed in any order or simultaneously, but the YC date, for all purposes, will be the date the Live Scan background check was completed successfully.

Step 1 – Complete the Application

Click here to download the District 5320 Youth Program Volunteer Application and complete it on your computer.
Print the completed Application, sign it, scan it to a PDF file, and email the PDF to

Step 2 – Take the Online Training

California law requires every Volunteer in a Rotary Youth Program to have training on how to recognize child abuse and neglect and to have training on how to report known, suspected, or alleged incidents of child abuse and neglect. The online training is free and can be reviewed at any time. The online training is through the California Department of Social Services. The particular training course you must take is determined by your level of involvement in Rotary Youth Programs.

Volunteers who participate in but do not organize and/or administer Rotary Youth Programs (e.g., RYLA Facilitators, YE Volunteers, Interact Advisors, or school reading program volunteers) must take the CA Volunteer training. Go to; click on Register/Sign In; click on Sign Up; click on Volunteers; click on Next; finish the registration process; and complete the Volunteers training. You will receive a Certificate upon completion of the training. Email your Certificate to the District Youth Protection Officer at

Volunteers who are organizers and/or administrators of Rotary Youth Programs (e.g., District or club committee members for RYLA, YE, Interact, or school reading programs) are Mandated Reporters and must take the CA Mandated Reporter training. Go to; click on Register/Sign In; click on Sign Up; click on General Training; click on Next; finish the registration process; complete the General Training; and take the test. You can download a Certificate upon passing the test. Email your Certificate to the District Youth Protection Officer at

Step 3 – Get a Live Scan Background Check

California law requires every Volunteer in a Rotary Youth Program to have a fingerprint-based Live Scan background check to protect the participating Minors. A Volunteer’s fingerprints will be sent to both the CA Department of Justice (“DOJ”) and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (“FBI”) to check the Volunteer’s criminal history records. A report of both investigations is generally available within 48 hours and will be kept by the DOJ. The District will have access to the report but will not keep any information locally except for the date of the report. There is a procedure for prospective Volunteers to challenge results that do not appear to be accurate or complete.

  • Click here to download the Rotary 5320 prefilled – Request for LiveScan Service Form BCIA 8016.
  • Complete only the Applicant Information section of the Form (ignore the Billing Number and Misc. Number), sign the form, and date the form.
  • Do not modify any other information on the Form.
  • Because Rotary is a not-for-profit organization, the DOJ waives its fee for the background check. The FBI criminal history records check fee is $15. The total fee you should pay at the time your fingerprints are taken is $15 plus the fee charged by the Live Scan operator you select. Live Scan operator fees are not set by law and may vary widely. Typical fees in San Diego are $20 to $30 but may be twice that or more. It is advised that you call ahead to verify the fee that will be charged. To locate a Live Scan operator whose fees you are willing to pay, go to, click on your county, search for $20, then $21, then $22, etc., until you find a location and fee that meet your needs.
  • Take page 1 of the Form to the Live Scan operator of your choice along with your Driver’s License and method of payment. Some Live Scan operators require cash for some or all of the payment, so check before you go. You must go to a Live Scan Operator located in the State of California. Out of state Volunteers must come to California to have their fingerprints taken even though their state may have Live Scan operators.

How to Determine if You Are Able to Participate in a Rotary Youth Program

  • If you are a Volunteer in any Rotary Youth Program or activity except Youth Exchange (e.g., RYLA, Interact, Rotaract, school reading or other enrichment programs, etc.), then you must be YC and your DOJ and FBI background check must have been completed within the 60-month period immediately preceding each day of participation in the Rotary Youth Program or activity.
  • If you are a Volunteer in Youth Exchange, then (1) you must be YC, and your Live Scan DOJ and FBI background check must have been completed within the 60-month period immediately preceding each day of participation in Youth Exchange and (2) your IntelliCorp background check must have been completed within the 1-year period immediately preceding each day of participation in Youth Exchange.
  • How to see if you are YC and when you completed the last background check(s) by doing the following:  (coming soon)

District 5320 Youth Protection Officer Contact Information

Questions? If you have questions, please contact Scott Rudisill (Rotary Club of Fullerton Sunrise), the District 5320 Youth Protection Officer, at or use the contact form below.

    Sponsoring Rotary Club

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