Bachelor or Bachelorette Auction

Auctioning or raffling off eligible bachelors/bachelorettes for a great cause can be a fun and entertaining, and surely one of the hottest fundraising events your nonprofit will ever host (with or without the rose ceremony). Participants are asked to bid or buy tickets for the chance to win a fabulous date with the volunteer bachelor/bachelorette of their choice. Here’s what you need:

  • Auction location
  • Eligible men and women willing to donate a date with a supporter
  • Mobile-friendly date registration and activity interest survey
  • Date package sponsors for fun activities and meals

A good way to get your for-profit partners involved in this type of fundraising event is to ask local restaurants and businesses to donate or sponsor date packages. Their involvement will help raise awareness and add to the quality experience of the winners’ dates. If you’ve decided on an auction, a live event thermometer can help you capture and display the winning bids (pledges) for each bachelor and bachelorette. Just watch the excitement build as it shows each bid getting you closer to reaching your fundraising event goal. Another way to run this event is to assign a keyword to each bachelor/bachelorette for easy capturing of text-to-donate raffle entries. You can then use real-time reporting and a third-party randomizer to select a winner.

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