Games Night Fundraiser

Finally! A family-friendly version of the popular Vegas-style casino fundraising event that kids of all ages will enjoy! Here’s what you need:

  • Board games, decks of cards and/or trivia questions (donated or borrowed from volunteers)
  • Admission or ticketing registration
  • Competition entry form
  • Volunteer scorekeepers
  • Mobile swiper and integrated app for bake sale, concessions and raffle sales

Advertise with a quick mobile message to current supporters in your database, across your social media channels and in community centers, schools, bookstores, businesses, and restaurants. Including a link, QR code and or keyword with shortcode instructions will instantly put your mobile-friendly donation/ticketing form in the hands of anyone interested in your event.

Enlist volunteer scorekeepers and concession stand bakers/sellers. A mobile fundraising app and integrated swiper cab turn anyone’s smartphone into a POS sales system – perfect for concession sales.

Game nights are great recurring fundraisers for nonprofits that can easily turn into regularly held competitive gaming rounds. Another way to go would be to make your games night fundraising event 100% digital by hosting a video game tournament.

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